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Side Effects

Insight: They say Twister is the game that ties you up in knots. Being that Twister is a fun and playful toy brand, we thought it would be interesting to explore the unique side effects of the game.


Idea: When you play Twister, your body stretches and twists in the craziest of ways… and stays that way?

Tagline: Side Effects.

AD/CW: Josh Rudisel
AD/CW: Ben Garcia


Final Twistergif.gif

#SideEffects Challenge

So, we made some cool prints with people tied up in knots from endless Twister fun... but what if we asked people to try it themselves?

In this TikTok Challenge, we tap into #yogatok's extensive, active market. Twister fans submit their own videos of themselves in strange contortions while playing the game to show the #SideEffects

of Twister.

The prize? A full-expense paid yoga retreat in the Himalayas! 

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