What's In It? Your guess is as good as ours.
With over 2000 documented uses, WD-40 is the original all-around household essential spray.
Insight: The formula for WD-40® Multi-Use Product is a trade secret so protected the company never even filed for a patent. Only a single person knows every exact ingredient that goes into this magical can.
The Idea: Only the most magical of ingredients could make up a product that has over 2000 uses, so we’re sharing some of our theories.
AD: Josh Rudisel
CW: Daria Lane
Two-page magazine spreads
What seems like an ordinary WD-40 vending machine will turn into a fantastical experience the moment a person walks up to it.
A can of WD-40 will be placed on an assembly line by robotic arms.
Buy the can and watch as the formula of your can comes together with dragon's breath, fairy dust, lightning and many more unexpected visuals on the screen.